Welcome to the AMSI Alumni Association (“AAA”) alumni network. This online platform (the “Platform”) is made available as a networking and communications tool that allows you to:

  • Connect with fellow alumni from around the world;
  • Network with like-minded thinkers, practitioners and professionals;
  • Engage with alumni to discover and support their work; and
  • Collaborate on initiatives to build cross-cultural understanding.

By using this service you confirm that (i) you are at least 18 years old, (ii) you agree on the terms and conditions of this user agreement (the “Agreement”) and (iii) you are committed to the terms and conditions of this Agreement which is a legally binding document.

If you do not agree on any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, please do not join the site, access or otherwise use the Platform. 

1. Purposes

The Platform’s main purpose is to provide an enhanced online communication and networking tool to AAA’s alumni community.

2. The office of development and communication

The Platform managed by AAA’s office of development and communication (the “ODC”). Please contact the ODC for compliance queries.

3. Use of the Platform

AAA’s alumni network team shall use its best endeavours to ensure that, save for any hacking, misuse or the like of the Platform, the information available on the Platform is accurate. 

For security purposes, please comply with the following when using the Platform:

  • Set up your profile using your real name;
  • Make sure that the information used in your profile is accurate and always updated;
  • Do not breach any legal requirement applicable in your jurisdiction, e.g. the laws on privacy, libel, fraud, intellectual property and anti-spam;
  • Use the Platform in a courteous, honest, truthful and professional manner;
  • Respect other cultures, religions and values;
  • Respect intellectual property rights or copyrights of others; 
  • Remember that material posted online is often difficult to entirely remove; therefore, do no post anything if you may regret its content later. Please bear in mind that any content you delete may continue to exist online to the extent that it has been shared or accessed by others.

In light of the above, you agree not to:

  • Create a profile using a false identity;
  • Create more than one profile;
  • Create a profile for a third party;
  • Share your password or let any person access your account;
  • Misrepresent your academic or professional details;
  • Act dishonestly or inappropriately;
  • Upload a content which may be considered as malicious, intimidating, vulgar, violent, obscene, libelous or discriminatory;
  • Upload any confidential information whose disclosure may be harmful or illegal;
  • Upload a content which contains viruses or other harmful code;
  • Disclose or share any information or content obtained from other users without their express consent. This includes but is not limited to personal email addresses, phone numbers and credit card details;
  • Harass, intimidate, bully, threaten or stalk another user;
  • Use the site to disseminate spam;
  • Use the site to perpetrate any form of fraud or criminal activity.

3. Privacy and confidentiality

Your privacy and confidentiality are very important to us. We treat your personal information very seriously and commit to comply with all applicable data protection legislation.

We collect data when you register your account and as you use the Platform. This can include your personal data and your interaction with other users.

By registering on the Platform, you acknowledge and agree that AAA may access and store your personal information anywhere in the world. AAA shall take all available measures to keep your personal information secure. However, AAA cannot guarantee the Platform against any misuse, hacking or the like and cannot be held liable for any reason whatsoever in the event that your personal information is misused in any of these circumstances. You therefore acknowledge that you use the Platform at your own risk. You also remain the sole person who owns the personal information you provided to access the Platform. As such, you can ask AAA to correct or delete any personal information at any time.

4. Copyright and sharing your content

You are the sole owner of the content and information you post on the Platform. By registering on the Platform, you grant AAA a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any content or information you post on the Platform.

The information you post on the Platform will be accessible to other users of the Platform. This information shall be related to your identity and profile. The Platform’s users, as well as people not registered on the Platform, can use the information you posted on the Platform. AAA is not responsible for any misuse or misappropriation of any content or information you post on the Platform.

When using the Platform, you may wish to join a group page. In this case, the administrator of the group page will have access to your personal data and you may receive communications from the group administrator via the Platform.

5. Other users rights

You have committed not to breach the rights of the Platform’s other users. AAA reserves the right to remove any content you post if it reasonably believes that such a content infringes the rights of another user of the Platform.

In the event that you post an information, a picture or the like on the Platform (a “Data”) you collected from users who are not registered on the Platform (a “Third Party Data”), you commit to obtain the Third Party Data’s approval prior to posting any Data. You therefore post any Third Party Data at your own responsibility and irrevocably commit to indemnify and hold AAA harmless against any action or complaint related to a post containing a Third Party Data.     

6. Mobile devices

If you use a mobile device to access the Platform, you will incur your carrier’s rates and fees. You give your consent for other users to synchronise the content of your posts to their mobile devices.

7. Disclaimer, limitation of liability and indemnification

AAA shall not be responsible for, nor shall it have any liability with respect to the use of the Platform. You use the Platform without AAA’s express or implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for purpose. AAA does not guarantee that the Platform will be secure, error-free or that it will function without interruption.

Save as expressly set out in this Agreement, AAA shall not bear any liability towards you or any other party for any reason whatsoever as a result of the utilisation of the Platform, including without limitation any liability to repair a prejudice of any nature whatsoever resulting from the loss of data, opportunities and/or reputation. 

AAA cannot be held liable for third parties’ actions with respect to the Platform, and/or for the content or data uploaded by third parties on the Platform. You irrevocably release AAA, its directors, officers, managers, employees and agents from any claims and damages directly or indirectly connected with the above. You further acknowledge and agree that AAA has no obligation to monitor or take any action with respect to user content which you use on your own responsibility. AAA reserves however the right to discretionarily edit the site and delete any user content for any reason AAA deems appropriate. 

In the event that AAA’s liability is engaged as a result of your actions or the content or information you uploaded on the Platform, you irrevocably commit to indemnify and hold AAA harmless from and against all damages, losses and expenses (including legal fees and cost) related thereto.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1 Intellectual property

You are not allowed to, and commit not to, use or register AAA’s name, logo or intellectual property rights.

8.2 Links to other sites

AAA does not endorse or accept responsibility for the content of any third party website. Links to other websites are used solely at your own risk.

8.3 Use of cookies

You acknowledge and agree that AAA may place cookies on your browser to (i) obtain information concerning your use of the Platform, (ii) facilitate your navigation on the Platform and (iii) store your preferences. You further agree that AAA may collect technical data concerning your usage of the Platform for the purposes of improving the services offered.

9. Changes to this Policy or to the level of service

AAA reserves the right to amend this Agreement from time to time, including the right to change, extend or reduce the scope of services AAA offers and the right to suspend or end all or part of the services AAA offers. Any changes AAA considers significant will be notified to you by email to your primary email address. You may review this Agreement from time to time in order to be updated with any amendments you have not received by email.

AAA does not provide a storage service and does not commit to permanently store or display any information or content you have posted on the Platform. You acknowledge and agree that AAA has no obligation to store your data and/or to provide you with copies of any of the content you have posted on the Platform.

10. Termination

This Agreement may be terminated by any party at any time. In the event that AAA deletes your account, you will be notified either by email or at the time you attempt to access the Platform.

All information you shared on the Platform can be re-shared by other members after the termination of this Agreement between us.

12. Dispute resolution

Disputes between you and the Platform are very unlikely to occur. However, any dispute in connection with the execution or interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Lebanon and settled by the competent Lebanese courts.

13. Contacting Us

All notices and communications to AAA shall be sent to