This privacy notice (the “Privacy Notice”) sets out the prerogatives of the AMSI Alumni Association (AAA) with respect to your personal data when you visit AAA’s alumni network (the “Platform”).

When you join the Platform, your personal data will be processed by the Platform’s lead administrator, i.e. AAA’s office of development and communication (the “Lead Administrator”) acting as data controller, and by the Platform’s developers, i.e. Hatsh (“Hivebrite”) acting as data processor under an agreement executed between Hivebrite and AAA. If you join community groups on the Platform, your data will also be processed by the group administrators.

AAA will always take all reasonable measures to keep your personal data safe. By using the Platform and accepting the terms and conditions of the User Agreement, you give your consent to the Lead Administrator and Hivebrite to store and process your personal data. This consent is a prerequisite which enables you to access the Platform. You may withdraw your consent at any time, by contacting AAA using the contact details provided below.

1. Data collected by AAA

When you create an account, AAA collects the following information:

  • Your name;
  • Your email address;
  • The details of your education; 
  • Your contact preferences; and
  • Your location.

You agree to set up your profile using your real name and ascertaining that all other information contained in your profile is accurate and kept up to date. You may add details about yourself but 

AAA recommends that you do not post personal data you are not willing to publicly share.

AAA may collect additional personal data you submit e.g. for the purposes of filling out forms or responding to surveys. AAA will also use cookies to identify you when you visit the Platform and log usage data including the content you click on. 

When you interact with other users of the Platform, they may post information about you on the Platform. 

As the Platform develops AAA may add new features which may require the collection of additional data.

2. Use of your data

AAA uses your data to:

  • Allow you to engage in a virtual community, and to connect and network with other AAA’s alumni;
  • Keep you up to-date with the Platform’s developments and the Platform users’ news and activities;
  • Administer and monitor the efficient running of the Platform.

3. Sharing your data

AAA will not sell, distribute or lease your personal data to third parties unless AAA has your prior written permission, or is required to do so by law.

4. Links to other websites

This privacy notice does not cover any links to other websites which appear on the Platform. AAA recommends that you read the privacy statements on any other websites you visit.

5. Your rights

You have the right to request:

  • Access to your personal data, the correction or deletion of your personal data;
  • AAA to cease or limit the process of your personal data;
  • A copy of your personal data held by AAA in a portable format; and
  • Your account closure.

If you intend to exercise any of these rights or if you have any complaints about the way your data has been handled, you can contact the Lead Administrator.

AAA retains your personal data as long as you have an account on the Platform. If your account is closed, your personal data should no longer be visible to others within 24 hours as from the time your account has been closed. 

6. Security

AAA takes all reasonable measures to ensure that Platform is safe and secure. Nevertheless, AAA does not guarantee that the Platform’s security will never be breached and/or that the users’ data will not be subject to access, disclosure or destruction. You use the Platform at your own responsibility.

7. Cross border data transfers

By registering on the Platform, you acknowledge and agree that AAA may access and store your personal data anywhere in the world.

8. Legal jurisdiction

The use of the Platform is governed by the laws of Lebanon. Any dispute in connection with the Platform shall be exclusively settled by the Lebanese competent courts.

9. Changes to this policy

The Lead Administrator may change this policy by updating this page. AAA recommends that you  check this page from time to time to ensure that you are updated with any changes. 

10. Contact details

All communications shall be sent to